Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today I left work early to take Zoe to the Orthodontist. James picked Alli up from day care so after her teeth were tortured Zoe and I took the opportunity to have some one on one time.

First we did a little shopping and I bought some new shoes. They may not be sexy, but they make my poor feet pretty happy.

Next we decided to have dinner at Tellers down town. We split an order of Salmon and sat in the window so we could people watch. The things you can spot down town are always interesting and diverse.

After dinner, we walked up to Coffee Zone and got desert. When we walked into the coffee shop, I took a deep breath. Coffee shops smell amazing; one of my favorite smells in the world!

When I took Zoe back to her Dad’s house she was very excited to show me how clean her room was. And, lo and behold it was fantastic………you could actually see the carpet.

I took these photos of my old Cabbage Patch dolls and Troll dolls that Zoe still has.

Bet we could sell them to collectors on E-bay for a pretty good price.

It was sure nice to spend some time with just the two of us.

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