Friday, October 30, 2009

Today at school, they had a Halloween party so Alli took her costume with her. When I went to pick her up, they told me she had a GREAT day (yippee) and that she loved her costume and did not want to take it off. Last year, she hated her costume and refused to wear it, so I was thrilled with both pieces of news.

Grandma and Grandpa arrived this evening and Alli was so happy to see them. Here she and Grandma are reading a bed time story. I had finally pried her pumpkin suit off her by then.

Alli was so exhausted from the day's events, that soon after I took this photo, she kissed everyone good night and went to bed with out a peep. Usually, if Grandma and Grandpa are around, she fights going to bed hard.

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