Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today, I took Alli to work with me. I think having a “day off” from day care is good for her at this point. This way she only has to go 2 days in a row.
This morning, from the time she got up until the time she took a nap she pretty much did nothing but eat. Before we left the house she had sausage, juice and cheese. After we got to work she ate a piece of toast, an apple (wanted two, but I had to say no), some pretzels, a big pile of Fritos, a couple of dried apricots and a few other things I can’t remember at the moment.

At 11:30 I put her down for a nap and she slept until 3 o’clock!
(I think she really need this day off.)

After her nap, she was in a GREAT mood and, Zoe took her to the playground until I got off work.

Who is that girl with no pants on?

It's Alli!!

Sitting on the counter eating ham with her sister.
(note she has her blanket)

Just a cute picture.
(guess what is in her hand under the table?)
Reading the label to her sister.
(note she is still holding her the tag)

Playing piano with Sissy.
(still holding her blanket)

"Can we go home now Mommy?"

All evening long the blanket never left her side!

1 comment:

CaraBee said...

Sophie carried her blankie around for a couple of weeks and then forgot about it. Her thing now? A pair of wraparound sunglasses. She wears them to bed, the bath, EVERYWHERE. I miss the blanket.