Saturday, October 24, 2009

First thing this morning, Daddy ate breakfast and headed to work; his boss had handed him a special project for the weekend.
I got ready and headed to the gym for my 8:30 BodyPump class. Alli cried when I left her in the gym kids club……..but was in a good mood when it was time to leave. She walked out to the car like a big girl. I am always impressed when she knows exactly where it is. She is such a smarty. I boosted her up on to the floor of the back seat and told her to climb on up into her car seat, which she likes to do by herself. She declined and then made the comment “poo-poo” while pointing to her bottom. Sure enough, she needed a diaper change before she climbed into the car seat. I got her diaper supplies from the trunk and she climbed up in the passenger seat and laid down for me. She can be so darn sweet and helpful at times. We got her all changed and then she jumped back in the back and got right up in her seat and tried to fasten the buckles. I put the diaper supplies back in the trunk and snapped her in and we were off to the Wal-Mart to do our weekly grocery shopping although I was apprehensive as to how she would behave.

At Wal-Mart, she insisted on bringing her blanket along. At daycare, they found that if they let her keep her blanket with her, she is a lot more content. So now, her blanket has become a permanent fixture on her body day and night. So, I grudgingly drug it along. I was however, thrilled when she was the perfect angel the whole time we were shopping. Mommy was overjoyed!

Back home, we unloaded the car and started the Crockpot. I decided that if I ever wanted to see Malcolm, I would probably have to bribe him with food. And I was right, he showed up for dinner and we had a nice visit. After a few hours, he rushed off to take his girl friend to the haunted houses. You know, I have NEVER gone to a haunted house or a fun house!

Balance of the day was pretty boring…..there was laundry, a walk in the woods, some cleaning and a very mediocre movie. I did not break out the camera evidently.

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