Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Alli was such a big girl in the waiting room. She was so well behaved and shared toys with the other kids. We looked at the fish in the tank and when I asked, she counted them. She also did a great job at pointing out the babies. She even walked all by herself back to our exam room.
Big girl was all gone when they weighed her which made her cry.
Alli got one shot, nasal seasonal flu vaccine and had blood taken which made her VERY ANGRY.
Her next check up is at 3 years old. We are scheduled to come back in one month for the Swine flu vaccine.

Her 2 year old stats are:

Height 33 inches (30%)
Weight 27 pounds, 12 ounces (70%)
Head 19 and 3/8 (90%)

Our doctor, Paula, said "I don't think she will grow up to be tall."

I knew that.

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