Saturday, September 26, 2009

Too much Excitement for one day.

After the half marathon, I drove Zoe home and James and Alli went to the grocery store. I went home and headed straight for the kitchen……well, first I removed my soaking wet clothes and put on my comfy jammy pants and then I ate something. After my snack, I was headed to the shower, but as I passed the patio door, I caught my dog out of the corner of my eye and got a bad reading. Something was wrong and I could see it in her eyes. She was just sitting there looking at me and her face said “help me ma-ma”. I went to the other door and she hobbled up to me…..her right front leg was dangling. I started crying like a baby, but knew I had to help her so I pulled it together. I was positive it was broken and pretty sure she had been hit by a car. I looked her over and saw no other obvious injuries. I called James and told him to come home immediately. I called the vet and told them we were coming. I was really hoping she was not hurt in a way I could not see. I felt terrible that she had climbed that huge flight of stairs with a broken leg so I would take notice that she was not O.K.

James raced home and I carried Yamina out and put her in the back of the SUV. I tried to comfort her on the drive and make sure she was still. She is such a sweet dog, I am sure she was in a lot of pain, but she was so sweet and gentle the whole time. She just laid there and looked sad.

At the vet, x-rays showed a clean break and no other injuries we could find. I noticed later her chin was scuffed up……I sure wish I knew what had happened.

The doctor set the leg and gave us pain pills and we were on our way. Horton’s Animal Hospital has always been very good to us and today they were REALLY SUPER GREAT!

Yamina is now enjoying full time indoor lodging, her own special blanket in the middle of the kitchen and lots of treats, some with pain pills hidden in them.

I really hope she has a new respect for cars!!

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