Saturday, September 05, 2009

This morning it was raining so I skipped my early run and slept in. I am still feeling run down from a darn cold that has been making me feel a little sick, but not REALLY sick, all week, so some extra sleep was probably a good idea. Later, when I thought the rain had ended, I loaded Alli and the jogger into the car and headed for the MKT trail. On the drive over, it started to drizzle again. I went anyway. I knew I would feel guilty if I did not run at all. I got pretty wet and pushing the stroller was hard, but I managed to get in 5 miles.

After Alli ate all her Cheerios........she started yelling at me "E-O" "E-O".
It took me a minute but I figured out she wanted a refill on her cereal.

Saturday night we watched the final episode of Canivale. It was a bit of a disappointment. I think that series had tons of unrealized potential. The concept was great, but it never really got filled out like I wish it would have.

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