Saturday, September 19, 2009

Guest Post by Alli Kaufman
Mommy said I get to tell you all the things we did today.

Daddy built a wall to hold up the dirt and get rid of some old concrete blocks that he was totally sick of looking at. I was very helpful.

I made a balance beam out of left over blocks.

Daddy did a great job….this wall looks super!

I gave Daddy a big hug so he would know how much I love him and what a great wall builder he is.

Mommy and Daddy decided that they needed a new trail down to the old trail by the bottom of the lagoon so they built one real quickly.
Daddy fought the spider webs to go out in the woods and find big flat rocks. I am so glad he did not ruin his back!
He spent a lot of time fixing the front walk that Mommy made years ago while she was on crutches.
(Don't tell Mommy, but it really needed it.)
I just don’t understand why Mommy and Daddy don’t like for me to play on these steps……..they are soooooo fun.

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