Thursday, August 13, 2009

Latest news from the Kaufman / McDermit household:

We bought a new TV for the bedroom. The converter box had a cheap tuner and we were not getting some of the channels with it. The new TV has a great picture and it is really nice....I am enjoying it a lot. However, there is one little problem. When we were thinking about what brand to purchase I told James we should get another Panasonic, which is what we have in the living room. My logic was…..the remote controls would be the same which would make life a lot simpler. Well, look what happened. The volume and channel buttons are reversed.

Can you say FRUSTRATED!!

Coordinating outfits to go with bright yellow shoes is certainly a challenge. Luckily, Alli hates to wear any shoes for the most part. So barefoot is her most common state of feet.

Wednesday, at lunch time, I took Malcolm up to the high school to pick up his schedule. They also took the opportunity to shake down the parents. First there was about $50 for school portraits. Then I put $50 into his lunch account. Then I paid for his year book….another $65. We picked up his parking permit, which I had already paid for when we mailed the application in. At 5 p.m. I took Zoe to her school for the same thing. I bought her a t-shirt and paid the $25 fee to opt out of fund raiser projects. I also put $50 in her lunch account. They were not selling year books or school portraits so I will have to buy her those later. At the end of the day my check book was tired!

Most exciting news of the week.........Zoe made the 9th grade volleyball team. They had 3 days of try outs and it is a big deal. She is overjoyed!

Other than that, it has been a rather non eventful week.

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