Friday, July 31, 2009

What have I done????

My new running partners, Karla and Julie have peer pressured me into signing up for the Roots ‘n Blues ½ Marathon coming September 26th. Last time I did a ½ marathon, I about died thanks to my Neuromas. I have since had them surgically removed, but now I suffer from whatever has taken over that space in my foot that the Neuromas used to occupy. Since the surgery I have run no farther than Eight miles; so, I really don’t know how much farther I can go. I do know that at 8 miles, my feet are really sore and I am glad to be done with my run. I guess we will all find out if I can go farther or not!

1 comment:

Eden Riley said...

Oh, Judi ... I came here to thank you for your lovely comments, but got sidetracked by your ADORABLE DAUGHTER! OMG how beautiful. She is so so divine ... then I clocked the pic of you and your hubby, no WONDER she is so pretty.

Thank you so much for what you wrote mate ... I'm sending all the books off in about a week, I would love to send one to Allie. You can email me at edenriley at gmail dot com with your addy and I will post her one.
