Sunday, July 26, 2009

This weekend, Daddy and Alli went to Kansas City to visit Grandma and Grandpa and paddle a boat with Slebos for…..oh…..about 100 miles.
I’ll let you guess which one did which.

Alli was getting ready to leave and wanted to brush her own hair.

While they were gone, Zoe came over and kept me company. We did some shopping which is much easier without a toddler along. Zoe was looking for a new swim suit. We were disappointed to find that most stores are almost sold out of suits and it is still July! I was looking for a few nice occasion dresses. I found that all the women’s dresses were frumpy or looked like work clothes and all the juniors dresses were neon colors or looked like prom dresses. What is a “cool” mom to do? I finally bought a couple of junior dresses that were of normal colors, but they were not easy to find.

We also started watching a new TV series call Carnivale. It only had 2 episodes on the first disc, but so far I really like it.

James and Beanie arrived home late in the afternoon on Sunday and they were both really tired. James had been up all night and Alli had been playing extra hard all weekend. James managed to stay up until about 7pm and Alli made it until 8. I was just glad they were home and safe.

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