Wednesday, July 01, 2009

James and I were up with Alli many times last night as she was still running a bit of a fever and feeling rotten. She is certainly not as hot as she was Monday but still warmer than normal.
This morning, James stayed home with her and I ran Zoe to the Orthodontist and then went into work for a few hours. I raced home around noon and relieved him so he could go into work. Happily, Alli’s fever was gone when she woke up from her nap so I decided that since I was off work anyway I would go and get my hair cut. The ends were dry and scraggly so it was much needed.

Later, when James arrived home, I kept thinking he would comment on my hair. Well, he didn’t, of course. (I had cut 3 inches off) I finally asked “how do you like my hair cut?” He said he hadn’t even noticed.
Why am I not surprised?!?!

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