Sunday, April 05, 2009

A very busy Sunday
I met Terry at 6 a.m. for our usual weekend run. I was not feeling so hot…….starting to come down with Alli’s cold and Terry had been a slug lately, so we ran a pitiful 6 miles or so and called it quits. Pitiful....really.

Once home, I started the weekly chores while James went to the grocery store. I unpacked and washed clothes, ran the dishwasher and started the cooking. Alli played by my feet with her new Cozy Coupe. She likes to just climb in and out of it and close the door. It actually has a cup holder for her to put her bottle in too.

(new spring outfit - thanks Grandma Rae)

Malcolm called around 11 a.m. and wanted to go shopping for some spring clothes and new shoes. So I took him to Kohl’s and got him some new Cargo shorts and a pair of running shoes. Then we went to Dicks and finally found some football cleats that fit and he liked. While he and I shopped, Zoe and Olivia, played with Alli and kept her busy in the store. I found out later, from the photographic evidence, that while we were at Kohl’s, they had let Alli jump on the display beds.

Here is a shot of Alli and all the ball’s at Dick’s. Alli can say “ball” and loves balls so this is a super cute shot. Thanks Olivia for giving me the photos.

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