Today, for the first time, Alli is really walking from point A to point B without a person around. I just watched her walk from the chair in my office to the gate at my office door. I am sitting at my desk and she knows I am not there to catch her. She is getting more confident in her ability. So far these independent steps are only for 3 or 4 feet in distance. I am sure that will increase soon.
Another trick that she has been doing for the past few weeks that is driving me nuts is she likes to hang out in the corner where my computer is. Now, she can’t get to the back of it where the real action is (thank God) and she usually just stands there with her elbows resting on top of it so she really is not hurting anything. But she makes me nervous and she will pull on the cords hanging out of the wall. I tell her “no” and she just ignores me so I move her away from the cords. Then, as fast as her little self can travel……she zooms back to the corner. It has a mysterious invisible force that draws her in. It looks boring to me when she has a whole room full of toys she could be playing with. Maybe she knows that I pay attention to her when she gets there and that is her motivation.
This morning, she was eating crackers and reading books in her “high chair” here at work. I heard her quit talking to herself and looked over to find her nodding off. It was funny how she would bob a little and look around only to drift off again and droop over. I called Cherie on the bat-phone and she rushed over to see. We laughed and laughed…….being careful to be quiet and not wake her up.
Alli recently got some new cow colored pajamas. They are so cute she had to wear them into work and show them off. Here I just wanted to snap a photo and she let go of Gail and started walking to me.
Those cow spotted pjs rock my socks off! And the pink Crocs match perfectly.
I knew YOU would love them!!
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