Friday after work, I loaded my stuff and the car seat into one of our company pickup trucks. Then I popped Alli up in the car seat. I was headed to my old house, in the woods, to sort my earthly belonging (some more) and get ready to take them to a garage sale on Saturday. As I pulled out of the parking lot at work, Alli looked around, peered out the window and then smiled a huge grin at me. She was so cute and I was thrilled to have her as my side kick. I am pretty sure she was saying “hey mom, this is an adventure!”. (Why didn’t I take a picture?)
Back at the house, she sat in her high chair and had dinner as I labeled and wrapped my glassware so I could haul it to the garage sale the next morning. All night she was super good and I got a lot of work done with little or no frustration. She slept in her Pack-n-play at the foot of my bed and I enjoyed sleeping with both windows wide open and the crickets singing outside. It is so peaceful out there and it always reminds me of camping.
Saturday we were up early taking 2 truck loads the 4 miles to Jessica and Jason’s house and scattering stuff all over the front lawn. Lauren came around 7:30 and whisked Alli off to play so I could concentrate on selling junk to people driving by. The garage sale was slow at first and I was getting really worried that no one would show up at all and then finally, mid morning, we had some brisk activity. We met some interesting people and overall it was a pretty fun time. I didn’t really make much money, especially if you factor in what I could have paid for a baby sitter, buying lunch and gas, etc. etc. And it was an awful lot of work. By 2 in the afternoon, the place was dead so I started loading the truck AGAIN. This time I took a load straight up to the Salvation Army. Then I took a load to my friend Ellen who is recently divorced and setting up house all over again. Then I took one last load back to my house in the woods. There I unloaded and then reloaded with Alli’s supplies and my stuff and headed to the shop to get my car. It was around 3:30 when I finally drove home to see if Lauren had pulled all her hair out and was going to move out of town with no forwarding address.
When I got to the house, Alli and Lauren were in good spirits, but all three of us were exhausted. (Thanks again to Lauren for saving the day and helping me with Alli.....she even had to buy a gallon of milk!) After a quick bath, Alli was in bed early and I collapsed right after her. Another night in bed without James and I was really missing him. He was out doing an adventure race and I figured they would be finishing up after I was asleep. I hoped he would text me to let me know he was well, but I never heard from him all night and I checked my phone more than once.
Sunday morning, Alli was up before the sun as usual (she doesn’t sleep in on the weekends) and we went grocery shopping at the crack of dawn so as to beat the crowds. Back home I unloaded the car and started cooking. We usually cook a lot on the weekend and eat leftovers throughout the week. I did some laundry and other chores. James called around 8 to let me know they finished 3rd by just one minute and he would leave for home right after the awards ceremony; which meant he would arrive home around 3. By noon I was done with my weekend chores and anxiously waiting for him to get home. Alli was being a handful (making up for being so good on Friday?) so I decided to take her shopping in the hopes it would entertain her. We went in search of a new dress for her first birthday photos. We never found anything that I liked, we just saw a lot of overdone, red and black Christmas dresses. We did however; get a really cute winter coat for her.
Daddy made it home at 3:30 and was in pretty good shape. He got out of the car doing his familiar “just got back from a race” hobble. It was nowhere near as bad as his hobble after being in the canoe race for 48 hours. (and he smelled better!) He also brought back about one million burrs (a.k.a. beggar ticks) stuck all over his pants. They are now littering the laundry room. We spent the balance of the day relaxing and recuperating. We played with Alli who was still a bit out of sorts. We also watched some of the HBO series called Rome (we finished all three seasons of Deadwood - good thing too. I need to clean up my language). I think I am still tired from the weekend. I need a day off just to rest.
here are some photos from last week.......I never used the camera all weekend.
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