Thursday, October 19, 2006

US Triathlon club nationals in Boulder City Nevada this last weekend.


1) Getting thru airport security in KC is simple compared to a full size airport.

2) Taking your shoes off in public is more embarrassing than having them search your purse……..go figure?......(Maybe because your parents used to yell at you if you took your shoes off in the store.)

3) Carpooling with 14 people in a huge full size white rental van sucks. You are at the mercy of the driver and the general consensus of the group as to where you will go and for how long. It will always be longer than you would like.

4) Point to point triathlons are the most logistically confusing invention of man kind. Be sure to have your run stuff at T2 and your bike stuff at T1 and do this with out a vehicle of your own. Actually saw a guy running the race barefoot and I was not surprised at all.

5) If you drink a lot of lake water during the swim you will puke ½ way up the bike climb. (Lesson learned by my friend Tom Hall).

6) Swimming is boring.

7) Lake Mead is really nice to swim in……….water is clear and clean and not so cold. Most everyone that wore a wet suit did it so they would not sink or drown.

8) Nate ran around in bright colored Speedo swim trunks all day after the competition. This was very distracting to everyone in the general area. I even had to pat him on the butt at least once…… just couldn’t resist. Others were compelled to comment on the size of his “unit” and weather or not it was properly positioned in his trunks. He did keep his running belt on with his number strategically located in the front. However, this did not really seem to lesson the impact of the situation.

9) Important note to anyone putting on a tri………port-a-potties should be closer to the transition area!! And, no, peeing in your pants is not the answer as you will get your shoes all yucky and still have to wear them all day.

10) Swimming is super boring.

11) Are you supposed to rush in the transition area??? You are!!! Oh well, too late for this race.

12) Watching Livesay get ice dumped on him for winning the national championship is satisfying in oh so many ways.

13) My best friend Jessica won 2nd place in her age group.

14) Terry just about lost his head trying to site the top of the van in the parking garage when we went down to the Las Vegas strip for all the fun. Ever notice all the BIG scratch marks on the concrete? We cold not locate a single parking space for the huge white people mover.

15) Large Cheshire cat grin is what Terry gets on his face when he plays the little poker machine and ends up $37 a head of where he started. You have never seen a man so proud.

16) Chink, chink, chink………the sound of Terry cashing out.

17) Drunken men will answer just about any question you can come up with.

18) When polled, 5 of the 5 men asked, all agreed that a “Brazilian” wax was a good thing.

19) Hotel security will allow 15 people in the hot tub with stated maximum capacity of 7, but they will NOT allow an adult beverage in there as well.

20) Did I mention that swimming is boring?

21) Overall…….it was a very fun weekend and CMC won the National Championship!


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