Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend Report

Friday (10-10-08) after work James watched Alli while Malcolm and I hung out. We went to El Maguey’s for dinner. The boy LOVES Mexican food. As soon as we finished ordering, I excused myself to visit the little girl’s room. I didn’t dawdle around in there and I came straight back and low and behold, they were delivering our food. I think it was less than 5 minutes!! Talk about speedy service.

Saturday morning I had to drive across town and I was not the least bit surprised that there were plenty of crazy Mizzou fans out tailgating at 9 am when kick off was not until 7 pm. Saturday I spent the better part of the day packing up and sorting the left over garage sale items and cleaning at my old house. B*O*R*I*N*G.

Saturday evening, Elissa actually talked me into dropping her off down at the Hearnes center at 5 in the afternoon so she could tailgate. I was feeling really patient and generous because I usually avoid, at all costs, driving anywhere near a Mizzou football game. As expected, traffic was crazy and it was a total mob scene. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that there were at least 30 state troopers working down there. It would surely be the time to be speeding somewhere out on highway 70.

Sunday at 6 am I met my running buddy Terry at the coffee shop for a little morning jog. We headed out while it was still dark. We ended up doing a 7.5 mile run, which is the farthest I have attempted since my foot surgery. I am thrilled to report that my feet survived and although they still hurt, they did not hurt any worse than they do if I run 5 miles.

Terry and I jogged up President’s hill just as the sun was rising. Terry exclaimed “wow, look how pretty the sun rise is”. I looked out across the parking lot and indeed, the sun rise was very nice, but I was distracted by the dozens of parked campers and the piles of trash as far as the eye could see. Really, the amount of trash that people leave behind is incredible. I wish I would have had my camera. The fresh morning sky; all pink and new, juxtaposed to the litter strewn all over the ground from the hundreds of football fans tailgating, some of it in piles 2 and 3 feet deep, was an amazing sight.

Sunday afternoon, James and I biked to Coopers Landing with Alli in the trailer. The fall weather was great, the temperature perfect, but the mosquitoes were ravenous. We had a little Tai food, a cheap can of beer and listened to the band. Alli danced a little……as best a girl who can barely walk can. She also desperately wanted to taste the gravel rocks despite the fact that me and Daddy kept advising her not to.

Alli adds new skills to her repertoire all the time. She has started to want to climb things. Last night I saw her stand in the middle of the kitchen and squat and then stand back up. She was not holding on to anything. She can now open the kitchen cabinet, find her bag of pretzel rods, remove the bag from the cabinet, remove the chip clip from the bag and then pull out her own pretzel stick to eat. She then walks off with her pretzel in hand and thinks she is the biggest smarty alive. Toys now move from one room to another when I am not looking!!!

Alli loves summer sausage.

she can now open and close an ink pen


Redhead Editor said...

The most exquisite sunrise in the world could not get my ass out of bed that early to RUN. You're crazy, Woman. Could Alli be destined to be a writer with those pen-opening skills? Or an accountant?

Andy Emerson said...

I am updating myself on your blog. Hard to believe it has been a year already. Alli really seems to love the camera. She looks like a very happy kid that gets lots of attention from her parents!

Judith Kaufman said...

Thanks Andy, for the kind words. Alli is a blessing and we love her so much. She does get a lot of attention and frequently that is because SHE demands it.