Thursday, October 30, 2008

I know it is time for an update………well……past time……so……
Alli can now stand up all by herself without pulling up on anything. She can be in the middle of the room and just stand up. She is walking faster now too and you really have to adjust to her moving around so effortlessly. For example, the other day I went to the garage real fast to grab something and then went right back into the house. I pushed the door open and splat! I knocked Alli down and gave her a good bump on the head with the door. She had tried to follow me and was right behind the door in no time, all the way from the other room. From now on, all doors are opened slowly in case she is behind them.

Last Wednesday, I left for work and she was behind me (in the back seat) in the car seat. After a few miles on the road I realized she was talking but she had been drinking a bottle. I was worried she was dripping milk all over the back seat so I reached around behind myself, while driving, and tried to feel for her bottle. No luck and not the safest move while traveling at 50 mph. So, I said “Alli, give me your bottle” and put my hand back again. And she handed it to me quick as could be. (Later in the week I tried it again and she did it again!) She really does understand a lot more than we think she does.

She is talking a lot more lately. She says ba-ba for bottle and buppy for puppy. They sound a lot alike, but I can usually tell the difference. She calls all 4 legged animals buppy. The other day she saw a cow and called it a buppy. She also says “hi” and I am pretty sure I have heard her say Thank you. Of course she says Da-da and has for a long time. She makes tons of other cute baby sounds that I am sure she understands and we do not………yet.

One last Alli story……the other day I was in Lowe’s shopping and Alli was riding in the cart. I was looking around the store intently and not paying any attention to the girl. Then, I felt her pull my hand from the cart and she pulled my first finger out and poked herself with it. I suddenly realized she was poking herself in the belly with my finger. I guess she wanted my attention and decided that was a good way to get it. Smart girl! She got lots of attention after that.

For most of October, Alli has had a cold and I have been super busy at work, so we have not been taking as many photos as we should. Bad Mommy.

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