Monday, August 11, 2008

Had a really good weekend.

Friday night James had to work late, but Zoe kept me company. We made mashed potatoes and broccoli for dinner. Alli ate some mashed potatoes and insisted on holding her own spoon. Then we got Zoe’s bike ready so she could join me Saturday morning for Don Corwin’s famous Krak-o-dawn ride.

Saturday, we got up at 5 am, ate breakfast and jumped on our bikes and headed up to the coffee shop to the start of the ride. Zoe lucked out and the loop we were doing went south by our house thus insuring that her ride would not be too awful long. After a few good size hills, Zoe was hating life, but she finished the ride for a total of 20 miles. Not bad for a girl who usually just tools around the neighborhood on her red beater bike named Ben.

When we arrived back at the house, we found James and Alli out in the road. I guess Alli was itching to walk in her walker and Daddy, who is a really smart guy, thought sending her out into the street to play was a good idea. Actually, our street is pretty quiet and it gave her a lot of space to it REALLY was a good idea. She walked all over the street and driveway for at least an hour.........maybe two. She wore herself out. This worked so well, we did it again on Sunday morning. I was amazed at how far and how well she could navigate her walker. She even tried to chase the dog.
Alli hardly sits still long enough for you to take her photos. She is still teething and on the verge of getting about 4 more teeth. She chews on everything and when she can’t find something to chew on; she shoves her whole hand in her mouth and chews on it. I feel sorry for the girl and hope those teeth cut through soon. At some point over the weekend we shopped for a new car seat as well. She is about to outgrow the infant seat she has now. The car seats are all ugly and expensive and I just can’t get excited about buying one.

Saturday for lunch we had BLT sandwiches made with fresh tomatoes from Grandma Rae’s garden. BLTs are certainly one of the greatest things about summer.

Saturday night we continued watching Deadwood, the HBO TV series. This show is fairly entertaining; but the cursing is ridiculous..........this show is jam packed with bad words; and I am not talking mild language, I am talking full blown, nasty, fowl cursing. Some of which is certainly overkill.

Sunday morning James and I did a 5 mile jog...............he took Alli in the stroller and still ran twice as fast as I did. At noon I did BodyPump class at the gym and then late in the afternoon, we put Alli in the trailer and did a party ride (involves drinking beer) out to Coopers on the MKT and back on the road. Total miles were about 25 I think. We had lots of fun and there was a band playing at Coopers and the Thai Kitchen trailer was open. The place has become pretty popular lately, probably due to the smoking ban in town. We decided to eat the barbequed brisket from Coopers little shop. The name of the sandwich was the “Boone County Bomber”.....rather catchy name. It came with a huge side of homemade baked beans and we washed it down with our beer we brought along from home, which is against the rules, but no one noticed. Once we got back home we watched some of the Olympics. I have to say, the women’s gymnastics uniforms are about the ugliest things I have ever seen!!

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