Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Does anybody remember Mark Spitz?

When I was a little girl......I remember watching him swim at the Olympics and I remember how exciting it all was and how amazing we thought Mark Spitz was. I remember, as a child, the Olympics seemed almost magical. I bet there are little girls out there watching Michael Phelps and forming the memories that will last a life time. I am not in awe like I was when I was 6 years old.........but, the Olympics are still pretty exciting.

Side note: Phelps will never be as exciting as Spitz......because he doesn't wear tiny red white and blue Speedo trunks!!

FYI - Mark Andrew Spitz (born February 10, 1950, in Modesto, California) is a two-time American Olympic swimmer. He remains one of only a few Olympic athletes to win both a gold medal in every (individual) event he entered in a given year, and to set a new world record in each such event.
Between 1965 and 1972, Spitz won 9 Olympic gold medals, 1 silver, and 1 bronze; 5 Pan American golds; 31 National U.S. Amateur Athletic Union titles; and 8 U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association Championships. During those years, he set 33 world records.
His participation in the 1972 Munich Olympic games gained him a bit of notoriety as he swam with a mustache, whereas most competitors opt to shave their entire bodies.
Spitz and his wife, Tracey (née Weiner), both Jewish, have been married since 1973, and have two sons, Matthew (b. 1981) and Justin (b. 1991).

1 comment:

Redhead Editor said...

Man, that brings back memories. I had that poster on my closet door for years. Even took it to college to liven up the dorm room. Damn, he was gorgeous. (And I still think he's gorgeous.) I sure miss those little Speedo trunkss!