Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday Cherie, Alli and I took a long lunch. We went shopping and finally got Alli a new car seat. She has been too big for her infant car seat for a while now. Here she is trying it out for size.

She also got this Baby Einstein radio that she just loves.

Friday evening I left work around 5:15 and put Alli in the car into her NEW car seat. We headed of to do some errands and chauffer services. First we took sissy and dropped her off at Olivia’s. Then we drove out to the old house and dropped off a load of garage sale stuff. Then we picked up Malcolm and took him to the high school for the football jamboree. Finally, around 7 we headed for home. When I was about 1 mile (or less) from the house I heard a horrible, horrible, sound from the seat behind me. It was a big wet burping sound, followed by some sounds of flowing liquids. I head this sound 3 times in a row and then shortly after I smelled the odor of stomach acid. I wanted to cry. I wanted to hurl. I finished my drive home very sad. The car seat was only 6 hours old and this was the FIRST ride with it and now it was covered in puke. Back at the house Alli got dropped into the tub with clothes and all. We rinsed and then undressed and then washed again. I watched her closely the rest of the night, prepared to catch round 2 should it arrive; but she never threw up again. Getting the car seat apart and washed was a lot of fun too!

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