Thursday, August 21, 2008

Aint I smart?!

So, I wanted to rearrange my office and take the Pack-n-Play home. I never use it.....well, I use the changing table part, but mostly it just takes up a lot of room. Alli prefers to sleep in her pumpkin seat not the play pen. So, I was trying to figure out how I could have a changing table in my office should I take the Pack-n-Play home. I priced buying a changing station and YIKES; that was out of the question. Then I found an extra 2 drawer file cabinet lying around the office. (Actually, Cherie and I did some vigorous cleaning, boxing and sorting and we cleaned out the cabinet I wanted to use.) I figured I could store toys and baby supplies inside it and convert the top to a changing table. Now I just needed to buy a changing pad for the top. I searched around and the cheapest one I could find was $20 and appeared to be worth all of $5. So, thinking quickly, I purchase a $2.00 vinyl shower curtain. I wrapped it around a spare blanket and duct taped the back to hold it all together. Voila, a custom changing table top that fits my cabinet perfectly. I am very proud of my $2 changing / storage cabinet. And, best of all, if Alli is not here and I need to host a meeting, I can shove everything in the drawers and my office looks like an office not a day care.

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