Monday, July 16, 2007

Saturday (7-14-07) morning I attended the CMC - Don Corwin special Krak (of dawn) ride at 6 am. I absolutely love to ride at this hour in the summer. The air is still cool and the cars are notably absent. This week we had a record crowd of probably around 20 bikers. It was a fun 25 mile ride and I felt VERY good on the bike. I suspect that my legs have been getting stronger to accommodate my new heavy weight and my weight gain has slowed down, so I am actually riding better than I did just a few weeks ago. One thing is for sure; I am not a graceful person, especially when running, but on the bike………I FEEL graceful, capable and fluid. It is such a wonderful feeling to just float along on two wheels. It is where I am at peace.

Sunday (7-15-07) morning I went to Rockbridge and did a lap. I went by myself so I could ride it just exactly as I wanted to. I admit I am slow and even walked up a few of the steap climbs. The baby seems to fuss when I really exert myself so I have been keeping my heart rate down and my effort low. I really don’t mind. I just love to mountain bike. Being out in the woods is so good for the mind and the soul. I admit that after one lap and I was tired and hungry but I was also emotionally and physically satisfied and content……a wonderful reward for my effort.

In case you were wondering……this is how I look 27 weeks pregnant in spandex!

Cute / funny thing while I was riding; I was picking my way up Sinkhole trail and there was a man and his two young kids walking the path. The boy must have been about 5 or 6 and he had stopped to water the weeds beside the trail. They did not see me coming until I was very close at which time they all three got embarrassed and the little boy pulled his pants up, cupped his crotch and started to run away up the trail. He finally figured out that there was nowhere to hide and I just smiled and passed and assured them I was not offended in any way. Little boys pee on things……that’s how they roll.

Sunday I was bored and trying to stay out of the heat of the day when Zoe called and said she was bored too. I went and picked her up so we could entertain each other. We had a hard time trying to figure out what we could do at 1 in the afternoon that would keep us inside in air conditioning but we finally agreed to go to Wal-Mart and buy a new blender and make some fruit smoothies. We also picked out some new nail polish so we could paint our toe nails. While we were at it, Zoe selected a new shower curtain and toothbrush holder, towel and rug for her bathroom at Dad’s house. New collection is rubber ducky motif and really cute. She was thrilled. We used lime flavored Jello to make Key Lime smoothies. Eat your heart out Martha Stewart!

Had a great idea for a new name for the Blog.........since the current name has been such a dud.

R U ready........drum roll............

Bikes, Baby Bean and Big Boobs!

Yea...........dumb..........but it made you laugh!

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