Thursday, December 07, 2006

YES, it snowed…… snowed A LOT.

Friday December 1st we awoke to about 15 inches of snow, and drifts behind the house were much higher than that. We had planned on driving to St. Louis on Friday to do an Adventure race on Saturday morning, but the race was cancelled and we were snowed in for the next few days. We did all the usual things you do when you are stuck at home. First, James shoveled the drive way while I completed some paperwork I had brought home.

We did some housework and then decided to walk to the quick shop for fun. On the way up, we saw many trucks all stuck in various ways. One was high centered in the middle of the road as you turn on to the main street. One was off in the ditch. One was just spinning his wheels on some ice in the middle of the road. We tried to push him out, but it was no use.

We made it to the corner store and purchased a couple of 40 oz. beers to keep us busy. On the way back, we sat in the snow piles and drank our beer and watched a wrecker pull out a truck. We decided the tow trucks were going to get rich! Later, we talked to the neighbors as they shoveled and I attempted to bake something tasty out of the supplies on hand……..yea, that failed. We did a Yoga DVD……….AND that was just the first day!!

Two fairly active and impatient people stuck together for long periods of time with nothing much to do is a recipe for disaster. If I never see him again it will be too soon!

Sunday, I finally made it back to my place. Once home, I made a batch of chili and proceeded to get my household chores done. It was very relaxing to be home alone and the sun was shining super bright threw my curtainless windows and the snow was clinging to all my trees.

1 comment:

Redhead Editor said...

Found you! We have much in common... well, except for that whole biking/running thing. I would have sworn the snow would be in huge petrified piles all over Columbia, but after last week's surprise spring, it is rapidly melting.