Monday, December 18, 2006

so everyone is "tagging" everyone and this is the results
(since nothing interesting is going on anyway, why not)

A - Available/Single? Not married, not serious with anyone………so I guess that makes me available.
B - Best Friend? I have a few. Unfortunately, most are not living close by. Here is my list:
Sarah Sallee – Chicago
Sharon Bernas – Ohio
Ryan Ross – Kansas City
Jeff Sandora – Detroit
Jessica – Lake of the Ozarks
Elissa - here
C - Cake or Pie? Pie if it is home made……..cake if it has a scoop of ice cream.
D - Drink Of Choice? Lemon flavored water or an Amber Ale.
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? Cell phone
F - Favorite Color? Burnt orange or deep “Barney” purple……..but I am starting to like blue again. I think it means something………..that I am getting mellow with age?
G - Gummy Bears or Worms? Worms, of course.
H - Home or Homesick? I don’t recall ever being homesick in my life. I do miss my dog and kids if I am away from them for very long.
I - Indulgence? Well, I eat too much crap. I goof off at work too much. Internet shopping.
J - January Or February? What kind of a question is this? I hate winter!
K - Kids & Their Names? Christopher Michael, Malcolm Lee and Zoe Ruth
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? Love
M - Marriage date? March of 1991 (I think) – got divorced in 1996 (approx). You can see I keep accurate records of such matters.
N - Number of Siblings? 3-Older brother named Chuck, older sister named Linda and younger brother named Bill. We are not close.
O - Oranges Or Apples? Apples.
P - Phobias/Fears? Loosing my mother or my kids. Not finding someone to grow old with.
Q - Favorite Quote: can’t think of one right now………..but I am sure I have one
R - Reason to Smile? My kids, my pets, my friends and my bikes.
S - Season? Definitely spring. I live for day light savings time.
T - Tag 3 or 4 people? Brain Shoemaker
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I grew up with out a dad and have lived on my own since I was 16.
V - Vegetable you don’t like? Brussel sprouts & Cauliflower
W - Worst Habit? Either talking too much or just being too busy. I am not a good listener or good at being relaxed.
X - X-rays You’ve Had? Broken heel (rock climbing accident), dislocated thumb (bike wreck)
Y - Your Favorite Food? Ice cream, Pizza, sweet potato fries
Z - Zodiac Sign? Virgo

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