Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sunday 11-12-06

I awoke on my best friend Jessica’s couch. The night before was just a blur. Too much beer and not enough sleep and a head cold had created a deadly combination. After some much needed hot tea and a bagel, I took the even more needed shower. Yea, it had been more than 24 hours and more miles than I can count since I last graced my body with a good washing. After I ran the hot water heater dry, I put on some clothes and my new sassy jacket purchased from the Lewis & Clark Outfitters and we did what two women are supposed to do on a Sunday morning…….we went shopping.
First it was Target (we were shopping for a fleece jacket for Jessica) then on to Wal-Mart then……..we went to the bike shop…….ah…..that’s better now isn’t it? We finally hung up the Home Grown and much to my dismay, it weighed in at 21.5 lbs……..all along, I thought I was under 20 pounds……..much pouting was done.
My stomach started to protest so we headed across the street to Mickey D’s where a tasty, greasy double cheeseburger and fries was mine…………..ah, hangover food. Then it was nap time for sick girls like me.

Finally, we made it to the Trail of Four Winds. It would me my maiden voyage on this lovely trail, but not my last. It was really nice…..a bit rocky and of course leafy this time of year, but over all a very pleasurable ride with some great views, stellar climbs and just enough technical spots to make it really fun. We also ran into our friend Jason from Columbia. He led the way as we put in some much needed single track miles. We finished the 16.5 mile loop just as it was getting dark so my photos are not the best.
If you are ever down at the lake, I would highly recommend giving this trail a ride.

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