Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Saturday morning, big fun and excitement at the XCX race.
I ended up taking 1st in my age group………..again, being old has paid off.
Check out my super cool, home made trophy.

The race was an informal fun run. We ran thru the woods and down the creek bed; mud and trees galore. Then up a huge hill (not so fun) and then we ran over a row of the big round hay bales……….that was a little scary, but exciting. After the race, we waited for awards and had a few beers and enjoyed the bon fire.


Saturday afternoon, I met James at Mark Twain and we put control points out in the woods. We have been exploring and charting trails (as the maps are not the best) out there for a few months now. Most exciting thing was we found an old car……..like circa 1920. It was basically a rusted metal box with a fender on it. At first you could not even tell it was a car, but upon closer examination it was obvious that it was a very old and primitive automobile. I had to take a piece of it home…. I think I have a hunk of the door with the mechanism for rolling the window still attached. The deer hunters were not real happy that we were out traipsing around in their woods. We saw a lot of deer blood on the ground and one dead Bambi with an arrow lodged in its side…………..yuck!

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