Sunday, May 16, 2010

Long, Soggy Weekend

The weekend was long and dreary. It pretty much rained the whole time and James had to work all weekend....I hardly saw him.

Saturday I got up and dashed to the grocery store with the hopes of getting home in time to make it back up to the gym for my 9:30 am BodyPump class. We were cutting it close as we drove back towards the house and I was mentally strategizing on how to change quickly, put groceries away and jump back in the car when Allia coughed from the back seat and then proceeded to throw up the entire contents of her stomach all over herself, baby te-te and her car seat. Thank God I had a towel on the back seat under her car seat. It was chocolate milk and a few bites of scrambled eggs and a few almonds she had snacked on, so on the bright side at least the puke smelled chocolaty. She was crying and upset and saying “yucky” and worried that baby te-te was soiled. I comforted her and put her in the tub, pulled apart the car seat and stuffed it in the wash with her clothes and then put away the groceries; so much for going to the gym.

The girl seemed to feel fine and I have no idea why she threw up. I checked the milk and it was not bad. I vowed to take her for a jog after naptime assuming the rain would ever end; which it did not. We did go run some errands later in the day after the car seat was all dry and reassembled. Putting that thing back together is always fun and the best part is when you tilt it to feed the strap back in and it is just the right angle for some errant barf to fall out on the floor in front of you. The thing is loaded with cracks and crevasses and you just have to eccept the fact that you can’t possibly get them all clean short of setting the darn seat into a swimming pool.

Sunday James was up at the crack of dawn and off to work again. Zoe had a friend spend the night, but after they were up and the friend left, I hit Zoe up to babysit for an hour so I could go for a quick run. I drove up to Hy-Vee and parked my car as it started to sprinkle again. I got out and did a really quick 4 miles in a light drizzle. I then raced home to find the girls in good shape and having fun playing with Beanie’s new kitchen.

Soon after, Zoe had to leave for more exciting endeavors and I was home alone again with Allia listening to the rain pick up in intensity. I napped a little while she did and was starting to get just plain bored to death when Allia awoke from her nap in a good mood and we played for a while.

Then Bean wanted to eat some grated cheese so I told her she had to get in her high chair. I figured it could get messy. She sat up there happy with her cheese when Zoe called me to discuss an important matter. After a few minutes on the phone, I returned to find that Allia had dumped her cheese all over the floor, climbed out of her high chair, stepped in her cheese and mashed it and spread it all over the place. There were little greasy footprints all over my wood floor. I banished her to the living room and started to clean the 6 square feet area that had been totaled.

Twenty minutes later (cleaning grated cheese is’s sticky) I was finally ready to join the toddler and play some more. We got out some blocks and started to build things. This was keeping her pretty happy. Again, I made the mistake of leaving the room to send a quick email to a friend when I heard Beanie yelling from her room an urgent yell “poo-poo!”

I stopped typing mid sentence and ran to investigate. I found her standing above a brown mess and looking desperate. I carried her to the bathroom, sitting her on the potty and telling her to finish her business up there while I went and cleaned up the practically new carpet in her bedroom. It was sort of soaking in and not easy to clean and Alli was yelling in distress from the bathroom so I gave it up for the moment and rushed to check on her. She was upset because she had poop on her feet and hands and dress. Now, I had not noticed this before, but it was obvious now because she was wiping them off on anything she could reach. I got another damp cloth and started cleaning another room.

Guess what.....Mommy is completely frazzled by now!

Once that was all cleaned up, I resorted to watching the Simpsons on TV.

Daddy showed up at around 8 and played with Allia a whole bunch before we put her to bed at 9. I was still a little strung out from a whole day cooped up with messy Marvin. Let’s all hope for sunny weather soon so we can GO OUTSIDE!

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