Sunday, May 23, 2010

How I "LOST" 5 hours of my life!

Today was the final big build up to the last episode of Lost. There was so much speculation and anticipation as to how it would all end. It was all over the internet and even in the news.

We tuned it at 6 p.m. for the two hour recap with special commentary from the cast. It was interesting to see what plot lines were showcased and get some perspective from the actors. I remembered things I had totally forgotten about and wondered if they were being brought back up for a reason. We couldn’t help but notice that Sayid sounded totally different in real life than he does in the show. Sayid was always one of my favorite characters. Jack was too whiney and Sawyer was too playboyish for me. (Get a haircut James Ford!) I also fell into the “love to hate Kate” camp and let me tell you, there are a lot of us out there.

I do whole heartedly admit that I did love the varied cast of this show and all the things they came to represent. It was truly and international feast. Almost all the filming was done in Hawaii as well, which made it all so exotic and beautiful.

We started watching Lost when I was pregnant with Allia. We rented the first season and started watching it from the very beginning. I have said all along it is not a show you can just start at any time. It really requires that you go through the building process to understand where the characters are coming from or where they are headed. The show was very much built around the detailed character development. But, it was also about genuinely intriguing mysteries, light vs. dark, good vs. evil, science fiction and mythology.

At 8 the final episode started and it was constantly being interrupted by commercials. No doubt they made a fortune selling the air time but it made watching the show tedious. As it neared 10 p.m. they still did not have it wrapped up and I started to get very weary of it all. A two hour finale would have been adequately long, but this thing went for 2.5. No doubt to accommodate the extra commercial interruptions.

Most annoying though, was the way they turned it into a touchy-feeling big reunion and tried so obviously to pull your heart strings. None of the questions were answered and I feel the whole thing was a lot of hype but no substance…….I felt it was a bit of a cop out. I get the impression that there were a lot of plot lines written for intrigue but no one really knew where to go with them so they just ignored them. It is not that all questions must be answered, but that there was so much potential and so many hints and suggestions of where it might lead and then it just went to a BIG GROUP HUG. Blah.

I enjoyed the show and would not go so far as to say that I wasted 6 years of my life like some people have. But, the finale was not what I was expecting or looking forward to. It was just a big let down and I really don’t think I had my expectations that high.

P.S. After I fell asleep I had a vivid dream that the smoke monster attached me. I was truly scared. Woke up and shut the window so I could go back to sleep.


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