Friday, October 03, 2008

Today I am 1 !!!

Today, Alli turned one. She must have sensed that something was up because she refused to take a nap all day long. This in turn only made me more nervous about how she would handle her first birthday party. We decided to have her birthday party at 3 pm, at the office, so everyone could celebrate together. The party was out on the patio and we had perfect weather. Grandma Arden picked up Malcolm & Zoe and joined us and James and Lauren come over too. First we sang Happy Birthday then Alli tried her cake. She really did not care for it.....she's a meat eater. Then she opened presents. Actually she was not too interested in opening things, so I got stuck doing it for her. One gift was a big red bouncy ball. Later, Malcolm and Zoe were bouncing it and Alli thought it was hilarious and she giggled the cutest big giggles. I know she did not understand what it was all about, but I am sure she had a lot of fun and she received a lot of really nice stuff. Best of all, she behaved perfectly despite her lack of sleep. She did however; fall asleep the minute she hit the car seat to head home.

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