Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Zoe likes to take photos and edit them. I really like this picture of her that she modified with Photoshop. I think it looks like she is under water.....but she took it hanging from the monkey bars. She also writes poetry and recently had one of her poems published online to a teen "ink" web site.
Zoe and I finally have her japan trip report done. You can read it here

here is a less edited you a better idea of what she started with


bikefreax said...

I thik this would be a lot better if it was not so blown out. It is to white. She needs to have more of herself visable. Just my .02 but it is a cool idea.

Judith Kaufman said...

I thought the over-exposed effect was interesting and made it look dreamy and surreal. I added a “less edited” photo so you can see what the original photo was like.

bikefreax said...

I like the second one better. Gives more to look at. The other one kind of hurt my eyes it was so bright. Tell her good job for me. Now I need to play with photoshop some. :)