Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What is she up to these days? Here Alli is showing off her "7-11 feet". On this particular day, she had taken a small yellow ball and was batting it around the office and crawling after it. She did this for at least a 1/2 hour. When she finally tired of the game, Gail brought her back to my office and we all marveled at how much dirt she had collected from the office floor. Good thing she is washable!

Here she is doing her "can't a girl get some privacy around here?". Lately, if she does not want you to watch her she will rotate herself around so her back is facing you. She does this by walking her feet around and pivoting on her bottom. It is pretty funny and cute.

Alli can now walk if someone holds just one hand for her. In fact, she can walk while holding just one finger. Her balance improves daily.

She can also walk down a wall. Here she went all the way from my office to Cherie's by leaning on the wall.

She is also off the formula and on the whole milk. This is great since it comes already mixed and ready to poor and it is WAYYYYY cheaper than the old stuff that required Mommy to measure and mix all the time.

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