Friday, July 25, 2008

Alli is crawling all over the place now and I finally got a gate for my office door. Yesterday she crawled all the way down the hall and into Cherie’s office. She was quite proud of herself and sat and clapped with joy when she made it through Cherie’s door. We, of course, were waiting there to praise her when she arrived and joined her in celebration. Alli still comes to work with me almost every day, but as she gets bigger and more active I will probably have to look into part time day care so she doesn’t get bored to death around my office. I have to admit my office looks like a day care………with toys all over the floor and the Pack-n-Play set up. I recently put the outlet plugs in all the outlets in my office and I am plotting to “hide” my computer cords so she won’t want to play with them. Another options is that I could work part time, but that would require that I get my house sold and so far that seems like an impossible task. Leave it to me to be selling a house when the housing market is in the biggest slump ever. :(

Wednesday night Alli rode in the trailer with me and Jessica all the way out to Coopers Landing and back for a total of 32 miles. She never complained once. We took a big break at Coopers and got out and stretched and ate some baby food and looked around. She was very interested in her new surroundings. Her favorite thing was the price tags on the fishing poles that were stuffed into the rafters of the store. The air flow made the little white squares dance around which was almost as good as a ceiling fan. She watched them in fascination every time we went inside.

Alli finally has a top tooth coming in and its partner is going to break through her gums any minute now; total of 3 teeth and counting. These days she is eating jarred baby food and some real people food such as cheese and yogurt. But her bottle is still her favorite way to satisfy her hunger. She takes at least 2 naps a day but has never seemed to adopt a very rigid schedule which is somewhat frustrating to me. She now says “Da-Da” and “hi” and knows other words when she hears them; like “ba-ba” for bottle. I am always amazed at how well she communicates without language. She makes her wishes known, that is for sure. She enjoys watching her Baby Einstein DVDs and her favorite one is Old McDonalds Farm. She laughs and laughs at the puppets.

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