Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend
What a fun weekend.

Alli started it all off right by snagging......I mean grabbing as fast as she could when she was within range.....the leg off our roasted chicken we were eating for dinner. She was thrilled to suck and chew on that chicken wing.

Saturday morning, we did our weekly grocery shopping and we all three went to the gym. Alli is still not sure what to think of all the big kids at the gym day care, but it is a good chance for her to socialize with other kids. I had to laugh because I thought my BodyPump instructor had gotten a boob job until I found out she had a 3 month old baby at home. Really she looks GREAT. After the gym, Daddy went for a long road ride (70 miles) and me and Alli wrapped Father’s day gifts and did the weekly cooking and cleaning. Later, Sissy (aka Zoe) came over and we took Alli to the park. Alli got to swing for the first time and she thought it was fun. We also took her down the slide, but I can’t say she like it much.

Sunday we started our Father’s day with a big home cooked breakfast of Daddy’s favorite bacon and eggs. Then we opened presents. (Alli just goes right into pose mode the second I take out the camera.) After gifts were opened and tasted, Mom and Alli wanted to get out of the house, so we went for a 5 mile jog while Daddy had quiet time to read his book. I took Alli on the back roads out by our house, so I jogged the flats and walked up the hills pushing the stroller. It was a great work out and just what I needed. We saw lots of interesting wild life, including a dead squirrel, a dead snapping turtle, a cute little box turtle daring cars to hit him and a squirrel that was missing his tail. I wish he could talk so I could have asked him what happened to his tail.

It was a gorgeous day outside so we did a little sun tanning and playing in the pool out behind the house. Alli has James’ olive skin so I am sure she will tan up nicely, but I was still afraid she would burn so we did not stay out for long. Later some storms rolled in so we did not get to do our planned Father’s day bike outing. :( For dinner I made spaghetti and Alli loved it. We had a quiet evening at home watching the U.S. Open and then doing some reading. It was a very nice weekend.


Redhead Editor said...

Okay... what did daddy get from Victoria Secrets?

Judith Kaufman said...

A re-used bag that did not have a new baby theme! We are a cheap lot that does not go out and buy new bags for each occasion.

In the bag was some trail mix, candy and beef jerky.....just a little something to open on D-Day. The real gift is on order and will be here in a week or so.