Monday, May 12, 2008


Mother’s Day 2008 was a good day.
I started my day by going into work for a few hours. I had some schedules I needed to finish for Monday morning. Going in for a few hours does not bother me at all…………back when I had to work 6-8 hours both Saturday and Sunday on a regular basis……..well, that bothered me. When I got home, I played with Alli and did some chores while James went to the gym for a while. Then he came home and I went to work out. I attended the 12:30 BodyPump class. Bonus……my friend Nichole was there so I got to catch up a little with her. Class was fun and I am out of shape but it felt good to use my muscles. One thing I have noticed since the baby was born is that my biceps are very strong from carrying her and her car seat. It is the only muscle on me that is strong at this point!
After the gym, James convinced me that it was warm enough to go for a bike ride so we loaded Alli into the trailer and headed out from the house. We took back roads to avoid traffic and made our way to the MKT trail. Once on the trail, we bike out for a few miles………it was very pleasant and the wind was not so bad since the trail is flanked with trees. Many people smiled at us as we passed them with Alli in the trailer. People like babies! Alli slept on the trip out, but then woke up and was looking all around. I said “hi” to her many times and I think she got a kick out of spotting mommy from her window. We turned around before we made it to the Katy Trial turn off and headed back. I was not sure how long Alli or I would last and I did not want to press our luck. I would estimate that we did about 20 miles total (my computer is not working on my cross bike), which is pretty good for me if you consider I have hardly exercised at all for about a year now. Stupid feet! Really, it is not Alli’s fault; it is all the foot surgery.
After the bike ride I took this lame picture. Wish I had thought to bring the camera along on our ride!

For dinner, we cooked a pizza. It was not super yummy, but filled the void. Then we did our weekly grocery trip which was less expensive than normal since Grandma Arden had recently given us a month’s worth of diapers and James was sick most of the week and barely ate anything. I actually ate more than he did last week and that has never happened before. Around 9, which is our normal bedtime, Alli was tired, but had decided she wanted more love and attention before she would succumb to sleep. I ended up dozing off and Daddy stayed up with Alli until she finally conked out around 10.

Alli has a bit of a cold so her nose is runny but here she is learning to use her sippy cup.

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