Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend (May 24-26)

Saturday morning I did about 30 miles on my road bike and that was about all I could handle. It was windy and I felt pretty good on the flats, but when presented with the smallest of inclines, my week legs wanted to give out and I fell behind even the least capable riders in the group. I have vowed to do hill repeats and/or squats until I get my legs back. They are usually the most reliable part of my body.

Saturday night, Zoe had her Birthday party. She is now officially a teen ager.................
Happy 13th Birthday Zoe!

It does not seem all that long ago when Zoe was a cute little baby like Alli is now.

Sunday I jogged 4 miles with Alli in the jog stroller. I am getting the hang of how to handle the stroller and run comfortably by running alongside the stroller which allows one arm to swing naturally as the other arm guides the stroller. This technique works surprisingly well. My lungs feel strong and my body wants to go.............but the last mile or so my feet were killing me. I wish the Neuroma would go away, I want to run!

Monday I tried to stay off my feet and let them rest. I did do some shopping and purchased some clothes at Target. I have to say, their girls clothes are so much cuter, cheaper and better quality than the adult clothes. I got a few girls XL tops for under $10 each.

This morning, James and I took Alli along on the 5:30 a.m. run. We took her last week also and it seems to be working just fine. She really likes to ride in her Chariot and she usually gets up pretty early anyway, so she does not mind going along. I have been sticking to the flat trail so I have not ventured up any hills at all because I know that will be a problem since Alli weighs 20 pounds now. This morning, my feet held up pretty well for the 4 miles I ran. I plan on making the T/Th runs a regular thing and additionally, I hope to get in a run on the weekends. I would love to get in a trail run at Gans creek or something in the woods. (Of course this means someone will have to watch Alli for me.) Hopefully, my feet will get better and I can start doing more than 3 or 4 miles at a time.

Almost forgot to blog this and I wanted to share some good news. Last weekend I did a loop around Rockbridge on my mountain bike and much to my surprise and joy, they have added a new section of trail. Now the loop at the top of Sinkhole has a spur that goes off to join the top of the old gravel road that goes up from the bridge. What this means is that you don’t have to go down the gravel road out by the grass lands to get back to the back side of the park.

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