Monday, February 25, 2008

So life is hectic and keeping up with a new baby, two teens and a full time job is about all I can handle…..does not leave much time for blogging; but, here is a quick update. (oh, and add a head cold and crazy winter weather to the mix)

Zoe and I watched the whole first season of Lost. We are hooked. It really is good stuff, but do yourself a favor and start at the beginning and go in order!

My feet are still very sore. They are feeling worse than they ever did before the surgery. My doctor told me if they are still bothering me after March 15th that I should go back to see him. I sure hope they feel better soon. Right now, I can’t run at all, in fact, I can’t walk much without a lot of pain.

Still have not sold the old house; we have had a lot of interested people look, but no offers so far. I am getting sick of worrying about it and wondering when I will finally get rid of that extra responsibility. Not to mention that it would be nice to have the money.

Alli went to the doctor for her 4 month check up and shots on 2-12-08. At that time she weighed 15 pounds, 5 ounces and was 85 percentile. She was deemed in excellent health and progressing normally. The doctor suggested we start giving her solid foods (baby food) in an effort to help her spit up less. She is now eating many Gerber 1st foods. Her favorite is apple sauce, but so far she has eaten just about anything I try to give her. She is a very good eater!

This morning, I was sitting at my desk with her on my lap and she reached up and pulled some papers off the desk. It was the first time she had done so, but I am sure it won’t be the last. She is just starting to stay sitting up by herself and to really grasp and hold things with her hands. She is just the most wonderful thing EVER!

And last but not least, here are the latest baby photos.

Alli in her Valentine's Day dress.

She enjoys standing in the walker. (not rolling yet)

Alli and her Daddy at swim lessons. (she likes her lessons more than the photo would suggest)

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