Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Christmas was good and all is well.....just been busy as can be. Zoe is playing basketball and made the A honor roll at school. Malcolm is training daily for football and got a new cell phone for Christmas. Alli is now smiling and sleeping thru the night.

Being attached by her favorite frog.

Jungle toy was Alli's Christmas gift from Grandma and Grandpa Kaufman.
Alli's Christmas present from her mom and dad was this chair.
Alli on my desk at work.....notice her ample thighs!

"I see you"

"can I eat this? I sure like to eat!"


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...frog legs.

Anonymous said...

She's going to be so smart, helping you at work! ;)

Brian said...

Cutest baby on this blog!