Tuesday, March 20, 2007

St. Patrick's Day 5K
7:30 am Saturday morning, Zoe and I reported to the starting line of the annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K here in Columbia. The temp was hovering right around freezing and we had bundled up good. We found my best running buddy Terry and we prepared to run our 3.1 miles.

The mass start was packed with over 800 runners. We trotted along at an easy pace and tried to get into a groove. Zoe was trucking along and looking strong, but when she saw the one mile marker she realized she had run her training distance and immediately started to complain she wanted to walk. She had been “training”, but seemed to always decide she was done after one mile. I knew she could keep going so I gently encouraged her, “just make it to the corner then we can walk”. We spent the next mile and a half running and walking. It began to snow big wet snow flakes and it was getting us all wet. It was pretty, but a bit uncomfortable since I had not worn a waterproof jacket. I was starting to feel pretty soggy from the sweat and the rain. As we jogged along at an EASY pace, I kept thinking “I am being a good mom today, not a good runner”. I tried to remain positive, but I am really a bit frustrated that she does not try harder or push herself a little. Finally, with the finish in sight, I told her I was going to go ahead and run. It is a gradual uphill and I am more comfortable if I just hunker down and truck up such an incline. I started up the grade and after a few blocks, looked over to see she was still right there next to me. She is really a good runner if she would just WANT to run. We got to the finish in about 32 minutes and I let her go before me. I think I could have run it myself in about 25 minutes, but instead I wanted to be supportive of my daughter and I secretly hope that she may someday get the running bug.

After the 5k about two dozen CMCers went to Truman’s and grabbed breakfast and a beer. It was quite the site to see all the soggy runners in there spandex tights, drinking a pint of Guinness at 9 am. I opted to drink coffee, which is not so tasty at Truman’s. However, the breakfast was very yummy and the omelets are outstanding. Zoe drank some coffee as well and had a great time adding cream and sugar to taste. By the time we left she was wound for sound from the caffeine. She told me she had a great time and I was glad I had “forced” the little princess into getting up so early on the weekend.

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