Friday, January 19, 2007


I really don’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. I don’t care if I ever get married again, but I would like to have a significant other who is committed to our relationship. Someone I can count on to be with me in this thing called life; someone to share a home with, vacation with and that kind of stuff.

So, in an effort to further that goal, I have decided to start looking for a man again. As part of this process, I have been asking around and spreading the word (networking if you will) that if anyone knows of a single man who might be eligible and of interest to give me the heads up. Recently, I was put in touch with a friend of a friend who works at the university. I will not reveal his name so as to protect the innocent (namely me). I will tell you that he is about 5 years older than I am, he is a professor, he is not an athlete and I was trying to do the right thing and looking for a man with a mind, not concerning myself with his biking skills at all.

I proceeded to correspond, via email with the “creepy professor” as he has now come to be known as. We talked of all the usual things and exchanged some photos and all the nice stuff you would expect when you are exploring how interested you are in someone. He seemed pretty normal for 45ish; divorced, two kids, good job, rather witty, well traveled, etc. We finally decided to meet in person and I was hoping he was as cute if not cuter than his photos………and not too fat (yea, I know, I am too hung up on the fat thing).

We met at a local down town, smoke free (yippee) restaurant / bar. We had a few drinks and chatted. I listened intently as we talked in an effort to appear interested in him and demure. He really was not as cute as I had hoped; a bit frumpy, old and paunchy. He had on a ridiculous scarf. Yes it is cold out and scarves are in order, but I am pretty sure he thinks he is some sort of hot professor and the scarf enhances his persona. As we talked, he mentioned that he already had a girlfriend, one that makes great money and buys him expensive gifts. Yea, I was starting to think this was not going so well. Then he told me how she offered to live with him, but he was not interested in a commitment; that his freedom was of utmost importance to him. He told me how he had many women in his repertoire, but had recently cut back to just the one. I was not acting so demure any more……..he was starting to creep me out. Then he brought up some stuff that I would classify as borderline kinky……….hinting at his desire to have sexual relations with many women. Now I am wanting a quick exit and luckily, I had a plan. I got out of there.

The next day, I politely emailed him and explained that I was not interested in a “good time” with him. What I really wanted to say was………ARE YOU KIDDING ME!
Really, if I were interested in being anybody’s play toy, I would and could find someone who was a bit more attractive and fit.

Well, things are off to a great start with this man shopping thing………this is why I usually just don’t bother!

1 comment:

Brian said...

You've got a lot to offer beyond a purely physical relationship. You'll find the right man, you just have to keep searching and sifting through the duds.