Friday, July 21, 2006


Finally went to see the podiatrist. I wish I would have gone sooner (of course). The words “pain free” was said multiple times and I swear I almost got up and started cheering with joy. So here is the plan: getting pricy orthotics to correct my pronation which should make me a better runner and make my legs very happy. Also, we are doing a serious (6 weeks) of alcohol injections in the nerve between my metatarsal bones. The nerve that is enflamed and causing the pain. This should eliminate the pain permanently according to the doctor. In the mean time, I have been advised that I can ride and run and train all I want that I will not be making things worse. So, all in all, I’m pretty happy at this point.

1 comment:

destroyer said...

my alcohol injections are normally in the form of beer.